Week 10

August 29, 2007

4 posts. Done.

Now in 3D

August 29, 2007

Meet Max, the French Bulldog


August 29, 2007

It always amazes me when I see the image video game developers have of their consumers. It shouldn’t, I know, but it does.

Take Guitar Hero, for example. It’s a rhythm game that can enjoyed by just about anyone that likes music and has two hands. But Activision, the company now behind the franchise, believes that their target demographic is restricted to pimple-assed socially maladjusted teenage boys pumping hormones out of every pore. Sad, really.

You want proof? Below, you will find photographic evidence concerning one of my favorite characters in the game. Her name is Judy Nails.

This is Judy in Guitar Hero I & II:


And this is Judy in the upcoming Guitar Hero III:


Dog Day Afternoon

August 29, 2007

This being my first day back to work and one of the last days in August, I thought I might pay tribute to the animal species of the month.

I love dogs. I’ve wanted one my entire life but my parents are hateful people with black hearts who hate animals. Well, the last part’s true. Kinda.

So now that I’m moving out and getting my own place, the first order of business is to find the perfect dog. It has to be a small breed, that is comfortable in cramped spaces and not too energetic or clingy, because it will be alone in a tiny apartment a lot of the time. And it has to have a high cuteness factor. Not an obvious poodle cuteness, but more of a quirky unusual cuteness.

Small? Check.

It’s been quite a challenge. I had set my heart on a Shi-tzu, but they are too high maintenance and shed a lot of fur, which increases the need for cleaning the apartment, something I find unacceptable. I started leaning towards Beagles, but they have a lot of energy and destructive capabilities. Then today, I met a French Bulldog and now I think I’m in love.

Laid back? Check.

And this is what the Wikipedia — and you all know how much I love the Wikipedia – has to say about French Bulldogs: “The French Bulldog is a gentle breed that typically has a happy-go-lucky attitude. (…)Their calm nature makes them excellent choices for apartment dwellers, as does their usually sensible attitude towards barking. (…) In general, Frenchies are amiable, good natured, playful dogs, and make excellent companions for families, single persons and the elderly.”

I think the search is over.

Cute and quirky? Double check.

Week 9

August 22, 2007

4 posts. Done.